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An organisation has the right to make guidelines that it considers necessary to facilitate its obligations and achieve its objectives.

Aboneka Michael & anor V Watoto Church Ltd Constitutional Petition No. 019 of 2018 [2023] Attention! Article 29 (1) (c) of the Constitution gives different institutions and organizations discretion to determine their own practices. A citizen of Uganda is at liberty to choose to belong to that organization and manifest their practices or not. If […]
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All document filings with Uganda Registration Services Bureau must be done online.

Effective 12 June 2023, all document filings with Uganda Registration Services Bureau must be done online. All business owners are requested to take note and comply with the ongoing data upgrade exercise Disclaimer: No information contained in this alert should be construed as legal advice from Namara Musinguzi & Co. Advocates or the individual authors, nor is […]
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A sales agreement for a transaction related to land is now mandatory.

Disclaimer: No information contained in this alert should be construed as legal advice from Namara Musinguzi & Co. Advocates or the individual authors, nor is it intended to be a substitute for legal counsel on any subject matter Prepared By: Ann Namara Musinguzi (Managing Partner) Ainomugisha Anita ( Legal Associate)
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Crypto-currencies under the current National Payment System (Uganda) are illegal, unlawful and unacceptable as a general payment instrument.

Attention! Crypto Currency transactions by consumers or investors are not protected by government regulations or oversights. The National Payment Systems Act, 2020 which regulates payment systems in Uganda was not designed with crypto-currencies in mind. Silver Kayondo V Bank of Uganda Misc. Cause No. 109 of 2022(Civil Division): judgment delivered on 24th April 2023 by […]
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Centre for Arbitration & Dispute Resolution (CADER) is a quasi-judicial body and not a Court of Judicature.

Centre for Arbitration & Dispute Resolution & Jimmy Muyanja v Attorney General, Constitutional Petition No. 11/2019, Judgment delivered on March 2, 2023. Lead judgment by Monica K. Mugenyi, JCC Background to the case A petition was lodged by the Petitioners; challenging the failure to recognize CADER as a constitutionally established subordinate Court, the decisions of […]
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