The Epic Journey

“Excellence isn’t just a benchmark; it’s our starting point, our journey, and our destination.”

Ann begun her illustrious career at MB Gimara Advocates as a Legal Assistant in September 2009. Because of her critical and extraordinary attention to detail, she quickly rose through the firm’s ranks and was at the position of Senior Legal Associate by the time the firm merged to form Arcadia Advocates in 2014. Whilst at Arcadia, still because of her unique delivery with above excellence in all her assignments, she was promoted to Principal Legal Associate Deputy Head of the Banking & Finance Department where she continued to stand out and super please all the Department’s Clients.

In 2019, she joined ALP Advocates as Head of the Corporate & Commercial Department and subsequently headed the Corporate & Compliance Department. She continued to impress the firm’s clients and exceed their expectations with quick, agile and excellently thought out solutions to all their legal concerns.

On 22nd December 2021, Ann closed the curtains on employment and took the bold step to step out and solely found Namara Musinguzi & Company Advocates; a boutique law firm that has curved a niche in the practice areas of arbitration, construction law and compliance.

Applying the same principles that saw her quickly rise through the ranks in employment . Ann has tremendously grown Namara Musinguzi & Company Advocates to one of the most notable female owned law firm in this country. As the firm’s mantra “excellence transcendent” suggests, excellence is no longer what Ann and her team vie for but rather they deliver, both in terms of quality and turn around time; solutions to clients that are over and above what is normally termed as excellent; overly delivering and exceeding their client’s expectations.

Ann is also a Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators(UK); the globally respected and recognized body for chartered arbitrators. She is in addition a seasoned arbitrator and is often appointed on arbitral tribunals and Dispute Avoidance Boards because of her recognized unique analytical skill set coupled with a critical attention to detail.

Further, because of her recognized experience and thought leadership, Ms. Namara is widely sought after as a panelist and moderator to discuss the trending issues affecting the arbitration sector regionally and internationally by bodies including; the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators-Uganda Chapter, International Chamber of Commerce Young Arbitration & ADR Forum (ICC YAAF) and the Uganda Law Society. She has also conducted trainings within the East African Community for inhouse lawyers for a Petroleum Company.

Key among her accomplishments are; she acted as Counsel in an arbitration whose dispute was to the tune of US$481,590.58, arising from breach of a construction contract. She has also acted as Counsel in an arbitral dispute worth US$1,416,000 relating to breach of contract. As an accomplished arbitrator, she has handled a construction dispute worth over US$217,507.51 and a breach of contract dispute wherein the sum in issue is to the tune of US$ 23,600. As an expert in regulatory compliance, Ann is currently retained to offer legal and regulatory compliance services in respect to proposed construction activities in the energy sector.

Ann’s law firm has extensive experience in the representation of multi national clients at arbitral tribunals especially in construction related disputes arising from breach of the terms of construction contracts. The firm is in addition retained by leading players in the construction industry to specifically advise them on dispute avoidance. As thought leaders in the practice area of arbitration, the firm is a renown publisher of articles and alerts on leading cases and trends in the arbitration practice. 

Ann is a firm believer in not only doing what is required of her but rather giving in entirety of her time, expertise, agility and speed while at it. As the firm celebrates three years later on this year, it is no longer a matter of “if” but “when”; as Ann leads the team to fully establish itself as the go to law firm in the region for all matters construction, arbitration and compliance.

Ann Namara Musinguzi; MCIArb   

Managing Partner, Namara Musinguzi & Co. Advocates


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  • Kanti Mansion, 1st Floor, Office 1G, Plot 31 Kiira Road